Application of the Concept of King’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Development of Community Economy: A Case Study of Ban Thungsri, Thungsri Sub-District, Rongkwang District, Prae Province

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ํYutthana Narajettho siriwan
Jutharat Thonginjan


This research project had three objectives: - 1) to study the application of the concept of King’s sufficiency economy philosophy for the development of community economy in the village, 2) to study current situations and problems of development of community economy in Ban Thungsri, Thungsri sub-district, Rongkwang district, Prae province, and 3) to present the model of development of community economy according to the concept of sufficiency economy philosophy. The research methodology is mixed among documentary research and field qualitative research following up on the research objectives.       

          From the research, it was found that the application of the concept of King’s sufficiency economy philosophy for the development of community economy in the village is emphasized on self-reliance into three levels, i.e. family self-reliance, group’s self-reliance, and community’s self-reliance. Proper activities of applications of peoples in this village are balanced in their daily lives both of family and village. The current situation of the economic development of peoples in this village is emphasized on the family’s levels with farmers. Their problems effected to applying the sufficiency economy philosophy are of the water problem, production problem, and scholarship problem. In the last one, the model of application of this philosophy has two kinds: Application of them into families and group level. The factors of success about it consisted of: Leaders, labors, goals, spirit mind, and continuous activities of each group in the village.

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How to Cite
siriwan ํ. N., and J. . Thonginjan. “Application of the Concept of King’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Development of Community Economy: A Case Study of Ban Thungsri, Thungsri Sub-District, Rongkwang District, Prae Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, Aug. 2020, pp. 36-52,
Research Articles


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