Buddhist Integration of Behavioral Modification for Cigarettes Smoking Cessation

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Phra Surasak Duvasilo


     This dissertation entitled has three objectives: (1) to study the behaviour of smoking, (2) to study the Buddhist integrated program effectiveness of quitting smoking, and (3) to propose the guidelines in the development of insight meditation based on four foundations of mindfulness in quitting smoking. This is a mixed-method research done by quasiexperimental research. In this research, Pre-test and post-test were done. The data were analyzed by using statistical software. The populations were of male prisoners whose ages were of 20-60 years old in the Central Correctional Institution for Drug Addicts, Nonthaburi, who wanted to participate in quitting smoking through the Buddhist integrated program. The sample size was of 200. They attended the program on February 18th-22nd, 2019. The meditation techniques were of the four foundations of mindfulness. To compare the result of Pre-test and Post-test program where the opinion about smoking, the family environment, and the meditation and habits support were taken. It was found that the results of Pre-test and Post-test program were of significantly significant difference at 95% confidence level. Therefore, the meditation program in quitting smoking was effective. For those who suffered from smoking addict can practice meditation to understand their suffering, the cause of suffering and its solution leading to the total liberation. It was in accordance with the Four Noble Truths. And therefore, such meditation techniques could be applied in daily life.

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How to Cite
Duvasilo, P. S. . . “Buddhist Integration of Behavioral Modification for Cigarettes Smoking Cessation”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, Aug. 2020, pp. 229-38, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/241715.
Research Articles


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