Modification of human holistic health behavior in Thai society and Covid disease 19 according to Buddhist psychology
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Self-control is an important goal of behavior modification. Because behavior modification aims to change the behavior of unwanted people into desirable behavior. In which he is able to force and control himself to behave or act But in what is right and good for a holistic well-being that is physical, mental, social and spiritual, or intellect is linked as a whole. And well-being is related to the determinants of health. The result of behavioral adjustment according to the 4 prayer principles is that development consists of developing a healthy body without disease, having good health, and developing a good relationship with the social environment. Does not cause persecution Does not make trouble to others and society Developing the mind to have good qualities, complete compassion, love, friendliness, compassion, want to help relieve the suffering of others, develop wisdom. Is to develop one's own knowledge and understanding To realize the truth And use the knowledge to solve problems that lead to happiness By protecting yourself and helping to prevent the coronavirus (COVID-19) spread to others by washing hands frequently. Avoid close contact with a distance of 1 meter, should wear a surgical mask at home and keep yourself away from others.
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