Using Iddhipãda 4 for Developing Learning Quality of Student, 10 January 1979 High School, Siemreap Province, The Kingdom of Cambodia

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Phrasovanna Indajoto
Manop Nakkanrian


      The objectives of this thesis was the documentary qualitative research works focused on documentaries, studies mainly on the Tipitaka, relating documentaries and relevant researches together with the interviews of the related experts. All of the data were then analyzed by content analysis, classified into system, concluded and presented in descriptive analysis. The results of this research found that : 1. Using Iddhipãda 4 for the  principle that can be applied in many different fields such as teaching and learning Dharma practice Working or Iddhipãda 4. There are virtues: satisfaction, love in that. Persistence is  perseverance in that. Chitta is attention to that and focus is on the focus of that reason. 2. Using Iddhipãda 4 for Developing Learning Quality of Student, 10 January 1979 High  School, Siemreap Province, The Kingdom of Cambodia. Means teaching and learning with a focus on improving the quality of life for students for students to flourish in all areas  and able to apply the learning that can be used in daily life. 3. The results of the analysis  of the use of Influence 4 in improving student learning quality revealed that 1) higher learning value means that students have higher academic achievement 2) academic  excellence value of the school. Is to enhance the academic performance to meet the  specified standard criteria and 3) the value of integrating the principles in learning It is a learning management process in which teachers incorporate principles. In order to have  wisdom that can be utilized for life.

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How to Cite
Indajoto, P., and M. Nakkanrian. “Using Iddhipãda 4 for Developing Learning Quality of Student, 10 January 1979 High School, Siemreap Province, The Kingdom of Cambodia”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 2020, pp. 97-108,
Research Articles


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