Approaches to Development on Corporate Governance Pertinent to Corporate Social Responsibility in Automotive Industry of Toyota Motor Thailand Company Limited

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Chanwit Ariyaworanant
Phasai Samart
Polsak Jirakraisiri
Korneak Kanjanapokin


     The purposes of this study were: (1) to study Toyota Motor Thailand’s Corporate Governance in Automotive industrial; (2) to study Toyota Motor Thailand’s Corporate Social Responsibility in Automotive industrial; (3) to study the relationship between Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility; (4) to propose approaches to development on Corporate Governance Pertinent to Corporate Social Responsibility in Automotive industry of Toyota Motor Thailand Company Limited.

     The Quantitative research population researched 444 people from all management levels. Tools used in the research were: (1) questionnaires (2) an in-depth interview. Statistics used in the analysis of data were percentage and standard deviation. The relationship between used variables were carried out by Canonical Correlation and Path Analysis. Findings were: (1) Corporate Governance deemed appropriate for Toyota Thailand was Participation at high level (4.02); (2) Toyota’s Corporate Social Responsibility in Legal at high level (3.68). (3) The result of hypothesises testing on the relationship between Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in automotive industry of Toyota Motor Thailand was Corporate Governance related with Corporate Social Responsibility at a medium level (.633). (4) It was approached that the development on Corporate Governance pertinent to Corporate Social Responsibility in Automotive industry of Toyota Motor Thailand Company Limited were as follows: Company should focus on Corporate Governance in acting under law by segregation of duties which affected to Corporate Social Responsibility in Ethic in term of the corporate ethical conduct  with the public sectors.

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How to Cite
Ariyaworanant, C., P. Samart, P. Jirakraisiri, and K. Kanjanapokin. “Approaches to Development on Corporate Governance Pertinent to Corporate Social Responsibility in Automotive Industry of Toyota Motor Thailand Company Limited”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 2020, pp. 142-56,
Research Articles
Author Biography

Chanwit Ariyaworanant, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin


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