Buddhism and Astrology : Adherence and Territory of Thai People in the Age of 4.0

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Prapan supasorn
Kritikavalai Hirunsi


     This article aims to analytically study in adherence between Buddhism and Astrology. The objectives of these study are (1) Studying the form of adherence and the way that Thai people in the age of 4.0 follow the principle of Dhamma (2) Studying the form of adherence and the way that Thai people in the age of4.0 follow the principle of Astrology and (3) Studying the way of adherence which Thai people in the age of 4.0 follow both principle of Dhamma and Astrology.

     This research is conducted with the “Documentary Research” reference by Buddhist scripture “Tipitaka” and the Astrology’s principles.The form of study are "Intergration” or “Interdisciplinary” and Indepth-interview structure with the key informant. From the study, in the objective1 . can be found that, mostly of Thai people in the age of 4.0 had believed in making a merit, believed in Kusala and Akusala by the basic of Thai culture and tradition. In the objective2 . found that lay people had chosen the way of Astrology when they got the problems, by checking their horoscope with the fortune-teller or making another ritual which belief that they can pass through all difficult things and bad luck. For the objective 3. can be found that, when lay people has strong in Buddhism principle and correct understanding of the machanism of Astrology, living on the way of Buddhist style, that consist of giving or generosity, observing the percepts or moral behaviour and mental development it will supporting mental health. In adherence, both Astrologer and monks can combine the knowledge and give some advice to the people which make them feels less anxious and worried, get more confident and encouragement to pass throught the obstrucles which be an adherance between Buddhism and Astrology from the past untill now.

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How to Cite
supasorn, P., and K. Hirunsi. “Buddhism and Astrology : Adherence and Territory of Thai People in the Age of 4.0”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 2020, pp. 212-26, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/244616.
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