The Impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility Report and Corporate Governance on Firm Performance of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand
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The objectives of this research were to study the impact of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance Report on the return on assets and return on equity of companies registered in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The data were collected from financial statements and annual reports (56-1) from 2014 - 2018 by using a sampling of 230 companies. Data analysis was performed by using multiple regression analysis at 95% confidence.
It was found from the research that the Corporate Social Responsibility Report in Environmental Management and Innovation and the Dissemination of Innovation from social responsibility operations affected the return on assets (ROA) with statistical significance. It was also found that innovation and the dissemination of innovation from social responsibility operations affected the return on equity (ROE) with statistical significance. Whereas, the supervision of business in terms of shareholding proportion of the executives and the directors affected the return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) with statistical significance. Also the size of the company affected the return on assets (ROA) with statistical significance
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