Instructional Package on Health and Physical Education in Taking Care of Hygiene of Various Body Organs for Primary School Teachers

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Chalermchai Jaikong
Thosporn Sangsawang


     The purposes of this research were to (1) gain the effectiveness of the instructional package of health and physical education in taking care of the hygiene of various body organs for primary school teachers, (2) study the satisfaction of primary school teachers, and (3) compare the pretest-posttest and achievement of primary school students with intellectual disabilities who learned through the Health Education and Physical Education teaching group on organ hygiene maintenance. The samples were 30 teachers and 30 students at Assumption Convent School in Lopburi province, Thailand. They were selected for the purposive of sampling. The research instruments used in this study research were an instructional package, an achievement test, and       a questionnaire. This statistical tools used in this research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent samples. The research results indicated that the efficiency of the instructional package criteria E1/E2 was 80.83/ 80.00. The primary school teachers' satisfaction towards the instructional package was at a high level with means at 4.49. The pretest mean scores were at 2.88 with SD. at 1.24. and the posttest mean scores were at 8.00 with SD. at 1.19, and and the t-test for pretest and posttest was 6.58. The learning achievement after the experiment was higher than before the experiment at the statistical significance level of 0.05

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How to Cite
Jaikong, C., and T. Sangsawang. “Instructional Package on Health and Physical Education in Taking Care of Hygiene of Various Body Organs for Primary School Teachers”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, Dec. 2021, pp. 153-66,
Research Articles


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