The Competence Development for Using Information Technology of Teacher In Educational Institutions under Office of the Vocational Education Commission of Phanakhon sri Ayutthaya Province
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This research aimed to study the level of competence development for using information technology of teachers in educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission of Ayutthaya Vocational College. Next, to offer solutions for developing information technology using of teacher’s competencies in educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission of Ayutthaya Vocational College. Research methods included: (1) Conducted the level of competency of teacher’s information technology using. Research population were teachers in educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission of Ayutthaya Vocational College, 196 people. Research instrument was 5 level estimation scale questionnaires. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. (2) to exhibit solutions for develop information technology using of teachers' competencies in educational institutions under Office of the Vocational Education Commission of Ayutthaya Vocational College. Research population were vocational certificate administrators of Ayutthaya Vocational College a total of 24 people. Research instrument was 5 level estimation scale questionnaires. Data were analyzed using median and range between quartiles. The result found as follows: (1) The teacher’s information technology competency in educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission of Ayutthaya Vocational College overall was at a high level. (2) Guidelines for the development of using appropriate and feasible in practice information technology competency of teachers. There are 4 main competencies that higher than the specified threshold: Guidelines for the development of using basic information technology competency of teachers in operations 12 items, for example, administrators arrange to have a person responsible for creating a project to develop teachers and continuous improvement evaluation. Guidelines for the development of using legally, ethics, ethics, and safety information technology competency of teachers a total 12 items such as educational institutions organize training program and preparing a manual for knowledge on using information technology legally. Guidelines for the development of using information technology in teaching and learning competency of teachers a total 16 items, for example, educational institutions provide training, study tours and manual preparation. Guidelines for the development of using information technology competency for personal and professional development of teachers, 12 items, such as educational institutions held a seminar, Establish a lead teachers team to share knowledge, therefore, 52 items are suitable and feasible.
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