Guidelines for the Development of Distance Learning through Information Technology of Schools under The Secondary Education Service Area office 7 in New Normal Era
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The purposes of this study were (1) to examine current and desirable conditions of distance learning through information technology of school under the secondary education service area office 7 in new normal era, and (2) to investigate guidelines for the development of distance learning through information technologyof school under the secondary education service area office 7 in new normal era. The Mixed Methods Research methodology is used in the study. The sample of this research consisted of 325 teachers from 44 schools under the secondary education service area office 7. The informants from the interviews were five institutional directors, experts, and teachers under the secondary education service area office 7. The research instruments were questionnaires and structured interview forms. The statistics used for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.
The research findings were as follows. (1) The current and desirable conditions of distance learning through information technology of school under the secondary education service area office 7 in new normal era as a whole were at a high level. (2) The guidelines for the development of distance learning through information technology of school under the secondary education service area office 7 in new normal era showed that qualified classrooms and professional development were the most needed. The guidelines included the following: (1) teachers should be developed to learn about distance learning through information technology, (2) teachers should do classroom research distance learning through information technology, (3) teachers should do individual development plans and should participate continuously in a community of professional learning, and (4) institutional administrators and related people should appoint a commission of supervision.
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