Guidelines for the Implementation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Vocational Education Administration in Saraburi Province
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The purposes of this research were to (1) study the current state and the desired state of the implementation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in vocational education administration in Saraburi Province, and (2) study guidelines for the implementation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in vocational education administration in Saraburi Province.
The samples, selected by stratified random sampling, included 217 teachers and 6 administrators as informants. The research instruments were 5-point Likert scale dual-response questionnaires and structured interview forms. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Priority Need Index (PNI), and content analysis.
The research result revealed that (1) the current state of the implementation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in vocational education administration in Saraburi Province as a whole was at the high level and the desired state of the implementation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in vocational education administration in Saraburi Province as a whole was at the highest level. (2) The guidelines for the implementation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in vocational education administration in Saraburi Province pointed out that reasonableness was the highest of priority needs index for the implementation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in vocational education administration in Saraburi Province. According to the guidelines, the administrators should (1) provide reasons for their decision makings based on reasonable criteria as well as be aware of the effects in various aspects to make their subordinates understand the reasons, and (2) listen to the educational personnel’s opinions and adhere to the good governance practices.
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