Develpment Guidelines For Community Participation in Educational Management of Learner Develpment Activities in School Administration under Phranakhonsiayutthaya Primary Educational service area office 1
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The objectives of this research are (1) to study the community participation conditions in the implementation of learner development activities (2) to study the development of community participation in the implementation of learner development activities. The research was carried out in two steps: Step 1: Study the participation of the community in the implementation of the student development activities. The sample group was 123 school administrators under the Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, opening the Crazy and Morgan tables. The tool was a questionnaire with a confidence value of 0. 98 The statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, step 2, guidelines for development of community participation in the implementation of learner development activities. The main informants are school administrators. Under the Office of the Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1, where educational institutions have excellence in organizing activities for the development of 5 learners, the number of people is selected by a specific selection. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions. Data analysis is content analysis. The results of the research were as follows: (1) The state of community participation in the implementation of learner development activities The overall picture is at a high level, with participation in planning. With the highest mean, followed by co-monitoring and evaluation. And joint decisions (2) The guidelines for development of community participation in learner development activities.
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