A Guideline for Ransomware Detection and Prevention at the Buddhist Places : A case study of Maze Gang

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Krishna Chimmanee
Maneesook Chotrungrat


      Due to the spread of COVID 19, throughout the year 2020, working from home has played an important part in the organization, businesses and agencies around the world. This makes the various types of cyber threats posed by the use of the internet even more, especially the threat of ransomware. A survey in 2020 showed that cyberattacks with this type of malware were found in Buddhist areas. Thus, this research aimed to study how to protect cyber assets against ransomware by reviewing relevant literature from foreign research articles as well as the real case studies of the cyber attack from Maze gang. In addition, this research is to study the prevention and detection of ransomware from the research articles in order to introduce a guideline to prevent ransomware from happening in the future.

     From the study of Maze gang’s attack pattern, they employed generally the same attack techniques that can be used to create a preventative approach, such as trying to maintain their foothold and hiding in the network for a long time before taking the sensitive information out of the target's network and encrypting the data file. However, if we have effective monitoring systems, the suspicious cyber threat will be detected and prevented from incurring. Therefore, this article presents the guideline for the prevention from Maze ransomware based on the concept of the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States Department of Commerce, which are: (1) Establishing cybersecurity measurement (2) Safeguarding information assets (3) Cyber threat detection capability (4) threat response (5) Post-disaster data recovery after the cyber ​​incident.

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How to Cite
Chimmanee, K., and M. Chotrungrat. “A Guideline for Ransomware Detection and Prevention at the Buddhist Places : A Case Study of Maze Gang”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, Dec. 2021, pp. 104-18, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/250039.
Research Articles


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