Guidelines for Development of Cultural Tourism in Wat Ko Community Mueang District Phetchaburi Province

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Prapart Intanoo
Chaleo Buripakdi
Somnuk Chupankleeb


     This objective of this research work are: study the context of cultural attractions and composition of cultural attractions in Wat Ko community for propose guidelines for the development of cultural tourism in Wat ko community. This research is a combination between the quantitative research methodology by distributing questionnaires to
400 tourists traveling in Wat ko community. And, the qualitative research methodology was also used. The data were collected by using a structured in-depth interview from the community leaders, wisdom owners, shop owners, Phetchaburi culture office, local officials. The abbots of Wat Ko, and community representatives, a total of 9 people. Then analyze all the data obtained by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research results were as follows: the cultural attractions in Wat Ko were consisting of architecture, painting, and the inheritance of Muang Phet craftsmen's family work, the composition of cultural attractions in Wat Ko were attractiveness, the ability to organize tourism programs, accessibility, activities, facilities, and tourism attraction aspect, and propose guidelines for the development of cultural tourism in Wat ko found related agencies with tourism should be organize activities together, create a tourism identity to excellence by organizing traditions, showing the way of life of the community, various architectures, without leaving the original identity; but to insert modern tourism forms.

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How to Cite
Intanoo, P., C. Buripakdi, and S. Chupankleeb. “Guidelines for Development of Cultural Tourism in Wat Ko Community Mueang District Phetchaburi Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, Apr. 2022, pp. 21-36,
Research Articles


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