A Guideline of Prevention and Treatment with Integrative Medicine and Cittanupassana Satipatthana for Mitigating the Effects of Smartphone Usage

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Kitti Phaetrak
Krishna Chimmanee


      The objectives of this research are: (1) To study disease syndromes and their effects on physical and mental health from using smartphones (2) To present guidelines for the prevention and treatment of the body with integrated medicine, prevention and treatment of the mind with the principles of Cittanupassana Satipatthana in order to mitigate the effects of using a smartphone by qualitative research method with in-depth interview by asking questions from the literature review.

     The results of the study found that there are guidelines for prevention and treatment as follows: (1) Preventing physical health problems such as avoiding using the smartphone with the hands and arms in the same posture for a long time. Especially in the lying position, it is a position that is at risk of pain in the neck and shoulders, and while using it, you should not bend your head more than 45 degrees because it is the position that has the greatest risk of injury to the neck and shoulders muscles. And in every 30-45 minutes of using the smartphone, you should rest your eyes for 5-10 minutes by closing your eyes or looking into the green area or looking at something that is comfortable for your eyes. (2) Prevention of mental health problems and smartphone addiction using the principle of Cittanupassana Satipatthana. It's the basis for practicing one's self to concentrate the mind in the mind and keep awareness in the body while living and to perform work duties in complete consciousness. (3) Treatment of disease symptoms with integrative medicine, such as Thai massage, acupressure, acupuncture and physiotherapy to be used together in one treatment. And in cases of severe or chronic symptoms, medications or surgery may be used as a combination therapy.

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How to Cite
Phaetrak, K., and K. Chimmanee. “A Guideline of Prevention and Treatment With Integrative Medicine and Cittanupassana Satipatthana for Mitigating the Effects of Smartphone Usage”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, Apr. 2022, pp. 164-81, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/253774.
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