The Relationship between the Internal Supervision model in educational institutions and teaching Efficiency of Teachers in educational institutions under the Office of Angthong Primary Educational Service Area

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Kittichai Sangsawang
Pornthep Rupan


    The purpose of this research was to study (1) the internal supervision model under the Office of Angthong Primary Educational Service Area (2) teaching efficiency of teachers under the Office of Angthong Primary Educational Service Area and (3) The Relationship between the Internal Supervision model in educational institutions and teaching efficiency of teachers in educational institutions under the Office of Angthong Primary Educational Service Area. Samples were 280 of teachers under the Office of Angthong Primary Educational Service Area. The samples were used the sample random sampling (SRS). The research instrument was questionnaire, in which the internal supervision model of the reliability value was 0.93, and teaching efficiency of the teacher in educational institution was 0.86. Data were analyzed by mean, Standard deviation, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient.

            The findings were as follows (1) the internal supervision model under the Office of Angthong Primary Educational Service Area was overall at a very high level, by using administrative monitoring model when followed by coaching supervision and peer supervision (2) teaching efficiency of teachers under the Office of Angthong Primary Educational Service Area was overall at a very high level. Regarding at every aspect was executed at a very high level. The highest average was devoted teaching, following by teaching methodology and the lowest average was creating a learning environment (3) peer internal supervision model in the educational institution had a positive relationship with teaching efficiency of teachers in educational institutions under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area which was in the highest rank, the relationship was quite a high level with a statistical significance of 0.01 when followed by coaching supervision and the lowest was administrative monitoring.

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How to Cite
Sangsawang, K., and P. Rupan. “The Relationship Between the Internal Supervision Model in Educational Institutions and Teaching Efficiency of Teachers in Educational Institutions under the Office of Angthong Primary Educational Service Area”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, Apr. 2022, pp. 197-12,
Research Articles


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