Development of Leadership and Emotional Intelligence of Executives According to Buddhist Guidelines

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Kontarnrat Disbanjong
Kritsada Disbanjong
Thammathon Decho Thitatejo


     In each organization, the executive is the most person who drive the organization to success. Especially in different ideas intelligence and emotional intelligence have relationship as a driving force that causes emotion to express both good and bad. The development of emotional intelligence on Buddhist Approach is on mindfulness. It helps to know oneself, self-examination, self-control, as well as being able to develop the qualities of a charitable mind to manifest and operate properly and appropriately in events. Emotional intelligence that enables executives and everyone work smoothly and successfully through the development of emotional intelligence according to the threefold principles are: 1) Physical development to keep the body healthy has a graceful personality, bright appearance, able to work well with the method of observing the precepts 5 2) Mental development for the mind to concentrate and considering the common principles the 3 corps are Impermanence, Dukkha, Anatta. Executives can put it into practice in order to succeed and be happy to work, Executives can think and consider in planning the operation as well as solving obstacles easily even more benefit and peace for oneself, organization and the whole sustainably.

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How to Cite
Phrasutthisanmathi, K. Disbanjong, K. Disbanjong, and T. D. Thitatejo. “Development of Leadership and Emotional Intelligence of Executives According to Buddhist Guidelines”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, Apr. 2022, pp. 278-90,
Academic Articles


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