Guidelines for the implementation of professional learning communities with the participation of the committee of basic educational school under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Sudarut Kuman
Wacharapatr Techawattanasiridumrong


     The study aims (1) To study the needs and necessities of the implementation of the professional learning community with the participation of the Board of Education. of schools under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 (2) To propose guidelines for the implementation of the professional learning community with the participation of the school committees of schools under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The sample was administrators who have worked in the primary school. The questionnaire and interview questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire and interview questions was 0.99. The data collected from the respondents was analyzed by using descriptive statistic: frequency, percentage, mean, S.D. and PNI.

         The finding of this study showed that (1) The priority needs index (PNI) to operate a vocational learning community with the participation of the school board of schools under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 was at a highest level and PNI index was 0.080. In addition, the respondents needs in supervision, monitoring and evaluation with a student-centered focus was at the highest level. (2) Guidelines for the implementation of the community of professional learning through participation of the school committees are that the administrators and the school committees should have a common goal of working together. bring the results to analyze and solve problems together in order to meet the goals set.

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How to Cite
Kuman, S., and W. Techawattanasiridumrong. “Guidelines for the Implementation of Professional Learning Communities With the Participation of the Committee of Basic Educational School under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, Aug. 2022, pp. 168-81,
Research Articles


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