The study of health perception, anxiety of covid-19 and mental health in nurse students

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Thidarat Kanungpiarn
Jirasuda Tarerum


     This research aims to study level of health perception, anxiety-covid -19 and mental health, and the relationship and predictive factor of mental health in student nurse during the situation of pandemic of covid-19. The survey and correlational predictive research, the sample were 305 student nurses who studying in Boromrajonani college of nursing, Surin in year 2-4. The purposive sampling was used to recruit the sample. The questionnaires used to collect the data composed of (1) demographic data (2) health perception (3) anxiety covid-19 (4) general health questionnaire (GHQ-28), Content validity of the questionnaires approved by three experts in the field with a value of 1, and their reliability using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .79,.83,.96, respectively. The result found that the health perception of student nurses were at high level, by the perceive self efficacy in prevent disease were at highest level (mean = 8.69 S.D= 1.27), the anxiety covid-19 were at moderate level (mean = 8.20 S.D= 1.42), the perceive outcome expectation  in prevent disease. The perceive outcome expectation in prevent disease and perceive self efficacy in prevent disease were significantly corelated with mental health of nurse students at p<.05, and the perceive self- efficacy in prevent disease factor were significantly predicted with mental health of student nurse at 2.10 %, p<.05 (R = .018). Therefore, to promote mental health during covid-19 era, we should promoting the health perception especially perceive self- efficacy in prevent disease.

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How to Cite
Kanungpiarn, T., and J. Tarerum. “The Study of Health Perception, Anxiety of Covid-19 and Mental Health in Nurse Students”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, Apr. 2022, pp. 307-19,
Research Articles


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