Model for Mental Development according to Buddhist Orientation of the Elderly in Mueang District in Phetchaburi Province

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Thep Yoonpradub
Kittinun Boonrod
Kobkul Visitsorasak


          The research has three objectives to: (1) study the current condition of living according to the Buddhist orientation of the elderly in Mueang District, Phetchaburi Province, (2) create a model for mental development according to the Buddhist orientation of the elderly, and (3) evaluate the model for mental development according to the Buddhist orientation of the elderly. . There were three steps in this research as follows: Step 1: studying the current condition of living according to the Buddhist orientation of the elderly in Mueang District, Phetchaburi Province, by collecting data from 392 samples, including the early elderly, selected by using proportional stratified random sampling method, using a questionnaire with IOC between 0.67-1.0 and reliability ​​at the 0.915 level, and the data being analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, Step 2: creating a model for mental development according to the Buddhist orientation of the elderly by collecting the data from 10 key informants using an interview form, the data being analyzed by using content analysis, and Step 3: evaluating the model for mental development according to the Buddhist orientation of the elderly, by collecting the data from the target group of 30 people, by using a questionnaire with IOC between 0.67-1.0, and the data being analyzed by using mean and standard deviation. The research results were as follows: (1) The current condition of living according to the Buddhist orientation of the elderly in Mueang District, Phetchaburi Province was overall at a moderate level. The living condition aspects could be ranked in descending order of their means as follows: Sila Sikkha (morality training), Smathi Sikkha (mentality training), and Panya Sikkha (wisdom training). (2) The created model for mental development according to Buddhist orientation of the elderly for good living consisted of 5 steps: 1) motivating mental development, 2) providing knowledge on teachings of Buddhism, 3) practicing mindfulness-meditation, 4) doing physical and mental exercises with SKT meditation therapy, and 5) planning and evaluating daily mental development. From this model, a training manual had been prepared. (3) The result of the evaluation of the model for mental development according to Buddhist orientation of the elderly was at a high level with = 4.35, and S.D. = 0.43.

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How to Cite
Yoonpradub, T., K. Boonrod, and K. Visitsorasak. “Model for Mental Development According to Buddhist Orientation of the Elderly in Mueang District in Phetchaburi Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 2022, pp. 263-76,
Research Articles


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