Leadership and Conflict Resolution in the Organization by Buddhist Peaceful Principles

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Praphawal Bunyanapapan
Phramaha Udorn Uttaro


        Conflict is defined as a situation or scenario in which two or more people behave or expose their behavior in different ways. Conflicts emerge as a result of differing perspectives of different goals, including misconceptions or a failure to comprehend the objectives. Conflict inside an organization is caused not only by differing viewpoints, but also by differences in dignity, statues, positions, duties, roles, and values; as a result, the methods for resolving conflicts must be diverse. The findings from this study show five conflict management styles: (1) Avoidance;(2) Accommodation; (3) Competition; (4) Compromise; and (5) Collaboration. According to Buddhism, there are two approaches to conflict resolution which are: (1) inner conflict; and (2) external conflict. The Dhamma that can manage and resolve conflict, allowing humans to become more whole, integrated with modern sciences, which can be divided into four categories as follows: (1) Life fundamentals; (2) Life quality development; (3) Responding to community, society, and nation; and (4) Helping, healing, and resolving the global crisis. The Buddhist principles can correlate to nature and its reality, which contributes to the mobilization of conflict resolution efforts, and transform conflict into motivation and incentive among differences, resulting in the work efficiency and benefits for the organization.

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How to Cite
Bunyanapapan, P., and P. U. Uttaro. “Leadership and Conflict Resolution in the Organization by Buddhist Peaceful Principles:”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 2022, pp. 1-17, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/258129.
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