Model of Management of Cultural Tourism based on the Buddha’s footprint In Wat Phrabuddhabat, Saraburi province

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Jutharat Thonginchan


     This academic article aimed to study and analyze model of management of cultural tourism based on the Buddha’s footprint In Wat Phrabuddhabat, Saraburi province by documentary study. From the study, it was found that the model of management of cultural tourism was integrated model among all sectors in community and local organizations including temple, community, public and private sectors. These components effected to the model of management of cultural tourism run effectively in the three parts: management, service for tourists, and supporting. These parts effected to a good image of Wat Phrabuddhabat and became to be the community center. This temple has been symbolic of belief, religion and culture of Sarburi province and Thailand since the past until the present time. The factors of success came from the three components: (1) Existence of the sacred Buddha’s footprint related to legend and belief about its reality, (2) good governance of organization including main principles: The rule of law, morality, accountability, participation, responsibility, and cost-effectiveness or economy, (3) cooperation and support of public and private sectors and peoples in local community participate and cultivate an importance of the Buddha’s footprint for children, youth and general people in society.

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How to Cite
Thonginchan, J. “Model of Management of Cultural Tourism Based on the Buddha’s Footprint In Wat Phrabuddhabat, Saraburi Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, Aug. 2022, pp. 17-33,
Academic Articles


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