Desirable Characteristic Indicators for School Administrator Under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Phuphon Thamasawat
Ladda Pholwathana


          The purposes of this research were : (1) to study the components of desirable characteristic indicators for school administrators under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (2) to create an of the desirable characteristic indicators for school administrator under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and (3) to evaluate and affirm the of desirable characteristic indicators for school administrators under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The mixed research methodology was used in the data were consisting of school directors simple 437. The research instruments were semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and confirmation or certification forms through 5-rating scale questionnaires by IOC; 0.6-1.0 discriminatory power equal to 0.33-0.89 with reliability at 0.95, The analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis. The results of this research was found that : 1) The components of desirable characteristic indicators for school administrators under the Bangkok Metropolitan Aministration components and 135 variables. 2) The an desirable characteristic indicators for school administrators under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, general education department from exploratory factor analysis (EFA) has 6 main components; (1) morality and ethics, (2) communication and technology skills, (3) conservation of local wisdom, (4) decision making, (5) motivation, and (6) sacrifice and dedication. 3) The evaluation and confirmation of the Indicators from experts in its propriety, accuracy, feasibility, and utility is at 4.56 ( = 4.56), higher than the set criteria at 3.51. That means the model is approved.

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How to Cite
Thamasawat , . . P. . ., and L. . Pholwathana. “Desirable Characteristic Indicators for School Administrator Under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 39-53,
Research Articles


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