A Buddhist Integrative Model to Enhance The Duty Performance of Provincial Good Governance Committees

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Narumon Su
Toungpecth Somsri
Prapan Supasorn


          This dissertation on “A Buddhist Integrative Model to Enhance the Duty Performance of Provincial Good Governance Committees” has three objectives: (1) examined the principles, concepts, theories, good governance, and the performance of duties of the provincial governance Committees; (2) studied the role of the provincial governance committees, and (3) presented the template of the Buddhist integrative role of the provincial governance committees.

          The research has found that the good governance concepts arise during the age of globalization, receiving the widespread recognition leading to the creation and design of provincial governance committees that have two important roles: (1) monitoring how government agencies and government officials work, and (2) advising the guidelines to government agencies and government officials. The principles of Buddhism falling under three frameworks are: 1) Self-control which focuses on an individual having a set of the morals and creation of the Hiriotuppa in mind; 2) Control of people in the four Sangahavattha principles and the four Brahmawihan Dharma principles which work to create the unity in work; and 3) Control of work which is the result of the personal development and people development which follows the four components of Rddhippada.

          The structure of the work of provincial governance committees integrating the Buddhist principles called “The Four Musketeer of Sustainable Work Processes” which is: The First Musketeer: the devotion is the self-control. This refers to the basic way of working. The Second Musketeer: the promotion is the people management. This plays a role in winning the hearts of co-workers and stakeholders to encourage the creativity and create the unity. The Third Musketeer : the support is the people management. It refers to the support of operating the work with love and the best intention to reach the goal of creating the benefit to the public. The fourth Musketeer: the public good is the work management which is considered the achievement from is the devotion/selflessness, promotion and support. The public good is the highest benefit that must be worked towards for the provincial governance committees

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How to Cite
Su, N., T. Somsri, and P. Supasorn. “A Buddhist Integrative Model to Enhance The Duty Performance of Provincial Good Governance Committees”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 63-79, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/259355.
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