The Development of Mathematic Learning Achievement on Single Variable Linear Inequality Using Scaffolding Learning Management of Grade 9 Students

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jirawat pimnopphanshod
Techameth Pianchana


          The purpose of this study was to compare the achievement before and after the learning of the students. To examine the conceptual level and the level of satisfaction in learning mathematics in the topics of single-variable linear inequality for grade 9 students. The sample of this study was selected from grade 9 students in the secondary during the second semester of the academic year 2021. The sample being used in this study consisted of 48 students in one class. In this case, the sample was selected through the Cluster Random Sampling method. The data were analyzed by (1) the management plan of mathematical learning, (2) the educational achievement test before and after the learning of the student, (3) the conceptual level assessment, and (4) the satisfaction level assessment form. Statistics used in the data analysis include the median, the standard deviation, and the statistical value t.

          The results of the study were as follows: (1) the student’s academic achievement was higher than before due to the use of the learning management plan of scaffolding with the statistical significance at the level of 0.52; (2) the students who received the learning management plan employing the method of scaffolding had a high level of mathematical conception; and (3) the student’s learning satisfaction towards the learning management through the method of scaffolding was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
pimnopphanshod, jirawat, and T. Pianchana. “The Development of Mathematic Learning Achievement on Single Variable Linear Inequality Using Scaffolding Learning Management of Grade 9 Students”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 2022, pp. 441-53,
Research Articles


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