The Effects of Gardening Activities Provision on Flexibility Thinking Skills of Young Children
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The purposes of this study were to compare cognitive thinking skills scores before and after gardening activities of young children. The samples were 10 young children. All boys and girls aged 5 to 6 years old who were studying in kindergarten 3 in the 2nd Semester,2021. Banwangyao School under the Suphanburi primary educational service area office 3 by purposive sampling 1 classroom. The research instruments consisted of (1) Lesson plans of gardening activities provision on flexibility thinking skills 24 plans. (2) Flexibility thinking skills observation form of young children behavior indicative in 5 sides. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation and Content Analysis. The results were shown as follows: (1) Young children learning by gardening activities on cognitive thinking skills had the mean score of the post-test than the pre-test. (2) Flexibility thinking skills observation form of young children side is high in all aspects. When young children were studying by gardening activity to develop cognitive thinking skills, they were able to adjust their behavior to their needs and were able to adjust their thinking according to the situation to achieve their goals. Young children learn to solve their problem in variety of solution, able to control their emotions and the context. Young children are involved in decision making and solve problem to achieve the goals of the activities by doing the activities well.
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