A Study of Problem Resolving Process in the Thai language usage of foreign students in Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University with Project-Based Instruction

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Kriangsak Ploysaeng


       This research with the objective to: (1) A Study of Problem Resolving Process in the Thai language usage of foreign students in Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University with Project-Based Instruction. (2) Assessing the ability of foreign students after teaching and learning by using a project. The sample group used in this research were 150 foreign students in the first year and the second year are studying in the Bachelor of Arts program (English Program). The research instruments consisted of a teaching set using a project-based Thai learning model. The statistics used in the research were mean, standard deviation. and statistical t-test analysis to analyze the mean difference before and after study of foreign students according to the Thai language learning model by using the project.

          The results of the research showed that, Overall, foreign students' opinions on learning Thai language by using the project before learning were at the “moderate” level with an average of 3.07 and after learning at the “high” level with an average of 4.30. The mean difference before and after study of foreign students and their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing had a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level. It was shown that teaching Thai language with Project-Based was related to the listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities of foreign students. Therefore, the project-based learning model of Thai language is a teaching science that focuses on allowing learners to practice practically every step of the way. Let learners explore themselves find aptitudes and problems that interest them. Students have the opportunity to choose, plan and act on their own. It helps students to think, act and ultimately solve problems.

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How to Cite
Ploysaeng, K. “A Study of Problem Resolving Process in the Thai Language Usage of Foreign Students in Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University With Project-Based Instruction”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Dec. 2022, pp. 30-41, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/260582.
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