Guidelines for Promoting Folk Performing Arts of Long Drum for the Youths with Participation of Ban Nong Sor Community in Hin Lek Fai Subdistrict in Hua Hin District in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

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Kanok Pratumwinich
Kittinun Boonrod
Kobkul Visitsorasak


          The research with the objectives to: (1) study the past and present conditions, problems, barriers, and the future of community participation in promoting the folk performing arts of long drum for the youths at Ban Nong Sor, Hin Lek Fai Sub-district, Hua Hin District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, and (2) propose the guidelines for promoting community participation in promoting the folk performing arts of long drum for the youths in Ban Nong Sor, Hin Lek Fai Subdistrict, Hua Hin District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. The qualitative research was applied in this study with the target group of 7 groups of 21 people, using the brainstorming process of A-I-C (Appreciation – Influence – Control) technique, and then using the information for synthesizing to be guidelines for promoting the folk performing arts of long drum for the youths with participation of Ban Nong Sor community.

          The data were analyzed by using content analysis. (1) The folk performing arts of long drum of Ban Nong Sor had been popular from the past to the present, being transferred by a local wisdom teacher. In the past, the style of the show was traditional, with a ceremony to pay respect to the instruments. The long drums were made from locally available materials. But, nowadays, due to the fewer players and local wisdom teachers, the show had changed according to the changing time. There was no definite pattern depending on the popularity of the players. And, the problems were that the youths as the successors were less interested in learning, that there were not enough elderly experts with local wisdom because of their health problems and career, uninteresting method of teaching, and lack of proper instrument management and group management with all party participation. The desired future included the followings: the youths having knowledge, attitude, and skill in long drum performance, efficient teaching, the community compiling body of knowledge on long drum, systematic management of music instruments, and the community participating in operation. (2) There were seven guidelines for community participation in promoting the folk performing arts of long drum for the youths of Ban Nong Sor as follows: 1) organizing operational structure, 2) promoting the lecturers’ potential for teaching with quality, 3) promoting the youths for learning the folk performing arts of long drum, 4) promoting learning skills, 5) developing musical instruments for learning, 6) creating a network for promoting folk performing arts of long drum, and 7) evaluating and receiving benefits.

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How to Cite
Pratumwinich, K., K. Boonrod, and K. Visitsorasak. “Guidelines for Promoting Folk Performing Arts of Long Drum for the Youths With Participation of Ban Nong Sor Community in Hin Lek Fai Subdistrict in Hua Hin District in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, Aug. 2023, pp. 214-27,
Research Articles


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