Learning Management in the 21st Century of Charity Schools in Buddhist Temples

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Phraratsutaporn (Prasak Changsang)
Phramaha Udorn Uttaro Makdee


          Charity schools in Buddhist temples are one type of educational management that falls under the Office of the Private Education Commission, with learning activities based on the Ministry of Education's curriculum. Charity schools provide students with opportunities for academic learning as well as moral training based on Buddhist teachings in order to develop desirable characteristics. Students are cultivated to be knowledgeable, capable, and moral in the 21st century. Charity schools in Buddhist temples also enhance students' potential by utilizing digital and media technology to support learning management, including the use of tools that connect to the internet system. This results in numerous changes in the educational system, such as smart classrooms, E-learning systems, and so on. It is necessary to develop personnel with the knowledge and techniques to manage learning effectively so that students can achieve learning objectives and apply their learning experiences in their daily lives.

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How to Cite
(Prasak Changsang), P. ., and P. U. . Uttaro Makdee. “Learning Management in the 21st Century of Charity Schools in Buddhist Temples”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 429-42, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/263006.
Academic Articles


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