An Analytical Study of Buddha's saying: If the Sangha wants to abolish some minor rules, it may

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Phramaha Warantorn Yanakitti
Maechee Kritsana Raksachom
Orachon Kraichakr


          This academic article has the objective of analyzing Buddha's saying in the Mahāparinibbanasutta: If the Sangha wants to abolish some minor rules, it may. This study was conducted by considering scriptures that directly describe Buddha's saying and by considering the principles in the Tripitaka. The study found 1) The Buddha did not speak to allow the monks to abolish their minor rules, but he spoke to test the minds of the monks in Buddhism. This Buddha's saying should not be used as a reason or an excuse for abolishing some minor rules because he established rules to prevent monks from misbehaving. Therefore, having the idea ​​to abolish some minor rules by using mentioned Buddha's saying as a reason is equivalent to destroying the principles of Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Yanakitti, P. W., M. K. Raksachom, and O. Kraichakr. “An Analytical Study of Buddha’s Saying: If the Sangha Wants to Abolish Some Minor Rules, It May”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Dec. 2023, pp. 83-104,
Academic Articles


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