The Effects of Storytelling with Role Play Activity Provision to Develop Relationship Skills of Young Children.

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Nitchakan Boonmarungroj
Pattamavadi Lehmongkol


          The purpose of this study was to compare relationship skills of young children before and after storytelling activities of with role play. The subjects used in this study were 25 young children ranging in age between 3-4 years old studying in kindergarten Year 1, second semester, academic year of 2022. The subjects were at Kasetsart University Laboratory School, Kamphaengsaen Campus, Educational Research and Development Center, Faculty of education. The instruments used in this study were 1) 16 role play activity plans and 2) young children relationship skills assessment form. The statistics used in this study were mean and standard deviation.

           The results showed that young children who participated in storytelling with  role play activities developed 5 skills in communication, adaptation to environment,  co-operative with others,  showing friendly behaviors, respect the others. Mean score before and after experiment was 6.36 and 13.24 respectively.

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How to Cite
Boonmarungroj, N., and P. . Lehmongkol. “The Effects of Storytelling with Role Play Activity Provision to Develop Relationship Skills of Young Children”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, May 2024, pp. 390-01,
Research Articles


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