Development of Online Case Study-Based Lesson for Readiness Before Learning a Concept of Problem-Solving in Computing Science for Primary 6 (Grade 6) Students

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supitchaya panthaserm
Metee Pigultong


          The objectives of this research were: (1) to develop an online case study-based lesson for readiness before learning a concept of problem-solving in computing science , (2) to compare learning achievements before and after using the online case study-based lesson , and (3) to investigate the learning effectiveness index of the online case study-based lesson.The sample group used in this research was 30 primary 6 (Prathom Suksa 6/2) students of Duangkamon School. A simple random sampling method was used by drawing one class out of 4 classes. The research instruments consisted of (1) an online case study-based lesson and (2) a form to measure learning achievements after using the online case study-based lesson.

          The results of the study revealed that (1) the quality of the online case study-based lesson in the aspect of the media was at a very good level with an average score of 4.50 and the quality of the content was at a very good level with an average score of 4.58;  (2) learning achievements before using the lesson were higher than after using it with a statistical significance at the .05 level; and (3) the learning effectiveness index showed that the students' knowledge and progress increased by 89.43%.

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How to Cite
panthaserm, supitchaya, and M. Pigultong. “Development of Online Case Study-Based Lesson for Readiness Before Learning a Concept of Problem-Solving in Computing Science for Primary 6 (Grade 6) Students”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, Apr. 2024, pp. 104-16,
Research Articles


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