An Approach for Buddhist Principles to Promote Educational Quality Assurance at the Institutional Level in Graduate Production of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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The study consisted of the following objectives: (1) to investigate problems and obstacles of educational quality assurance at the institutional level in producing graduates of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University; (2) to explore the Buddhadhamma promoting educational quality assurance at the institutional level in producing graduates of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University; and (3) to present an approach to applying the Buddhadhamma to promote educational quality assurance at the institutional level in producing graduates of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. The study employed a qualitative research method by studying from documents and conducting interview with 10 key informants. Also, content analysis was conducted, and findings were presented as a narrative synthesis.
The results of the research revealed that (1) The assessment of curriculum quality during three academic years (B.E. 2562 - 2564) revealed that the curriculum cannot raise the quality from medium to good or excellent. There are curriculums that have been assessed to be of lower quality than the standards in each educational level. Lecturers with doctorates have a lower academic standing than the quality assessment standards. The process of overseeing and following up on the quality development plan, which involves input data analysis by the quality assurance committee, lacks continuity. (2) Ariyasacca (the Four Noble Truths) is a Buddhadhamma that may be used to solve difficulties in producing graduates, management, operations, and university employees. It begins with identifying the problem, determining its causes, creating goals, and determining solutions for solving the problem. Then, it leads to performance according to four itthibāt: working with love, having a desire to work, being diligent, being patient, not giving up, having a mind to know what to do with concentration. Finally, planning, assessing, finding ways to fix the problem, and aparihāniyadhamma are processes to drive performance together by meeting and finding consensus in order to improve the quality of work and achievement of the organization. (3) An approach to applying Buddhadhamma to promote educational quality assurance can be done through the PDCA cycle and the IPO process. This will lead to quality throughout the organization, the accomplishment of strategic plans and operational goals, as well as the satisfaction of students and all stakeholders. As a result, the university will achieve academic excellence through Buddhist educational management.
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