Moral Quotient, Self-Esteem, and Sexual Risky Behavior of High School Students at a School in Bangkok
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The purposes of this research were: (1) to study the level of moral quotient, self-esteem, and sexual risky behavior of students; (2) to compare the sexual risky behavior of students by personal factors; (3) to investigate the relationship between moral quotient and sexual risky behavior of students; and (4) to investigate the relationship between self-esteem and sexual risky behavior of students. The sample were 275 high school students at a school in Bangkok; Random by stratified random sampling. Data were collected by questionnaires and were analyzed by statistics package program. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test (One-way ANOVA), Least Significant Difference (LSD) and Pearson's product moment Correlation Coefficient. The statistical significance were set at .05 and .01 level.
Results indicated that: (1) Moral quotient, self-esteem of student were at a high level; and sexual risky behavior were at a low level; (2) students with difference in GPA had different sexual risky behavior with statistical significant at .01; (3) Moral quotient was negatively correlated with sexual risky behavior with statistical significance at .01; (4) Self-Esteem was negatively correlated with sexual risky behavior with statistical significance at .01.
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