Guidelines for the development of learning management in the learning loss of students in schools under the Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
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The purpose of this research were to study current state and learning management problems in the learning loss of school students and to present a guideline for developing learning management in learning loss among school students. The research methodology consisted of 2 steps: 1. To study current conditions and problems of learning management in learning loss among school students. under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 2. The sample group was school administrators. or acting in an executive position 175 educational institutes and head teachers, obtained from Craigie and Morgan's table. The tool used was a questionnaire. The current condition had a confidence value of 0.804. The problem condition had a confidence value of 0.99 The statistics used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation, and (2) presented guidelines for developing learning management in learning loss among students in school. The main informants were 6 persons who were obtained by purposive sampling method. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. and content analysis.
The research findings were as follows: (1) the current state of learning management in learning loss among students in Overall, it was at a high level. The problem of organizing learning in the learning loss of school students The overall level was at low level. (2) Guidelines for learning management development in the learning loss of students in schools consisted of 5 aspects, 29 approaches as follows: activity Forms and evaluation methods (2) Creating participation in learning management, there are 6 approaches. For example, a parent meeting to jointly solve problems and proceed to prepare or providing training learning development media (3) learning environment arrangement (4) Upgrading learning management by using technology There are 5 approaches, such as providing modern educational technology media equipment such as cabinets. genius for searching Uninet rooms, tablets, televisions, etc. (5) Learning management for individual students, there are 5 approaches such as visiting students' houses to study problem conditions, analyzing students. Prepare learning development plans for individual students and develop a variety of learning channels.
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