Guidelines for Conserving Sri Tri Phum Stupa in Nikhom Phatthana Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lampang Province

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Pramaha Montree Kuppayathipati (Meewai)
Phramaha Somboon Vudฺdhikaro
Sanu Mahatthanadull


          This thesis undertakes three main objectives: (1) the study of pagodas in Buddhism, (2) the examination of the conservation practices applied to pagodas in Buddhism, and (3) the proposal of conservation guidelines specifically for the Sri Trai Phum Pagoda located in the Nikhom Phatthana Sub-district, Mueang District, Lampang Province.

          The research methodology employed for this study was qualitative in nature and involved the analysis of documents and interviews with thirteen key informants. Findings from the research demonstrate that pagodas in Buddhism were constructed with the purpose of housing relics of the Buddha, individual Buddhas, noble disciples, and emperors. The initial pagodas or stupas built during the Buddha's time were constructed in accordance with the Buddha's four sacred places: the Birth Place, Enlightenment, the First Sermon, and Nibbana. Over time, additional pagodas known as the four Buddha-Chediyas emerged, namely Dhatu-chetiya, Paribhoga-chetiya, Dhamma-chetiya, and Uddesika-chetiya. These pagodas became highly valued symbols of Buddhism forworship and were considered central to Buddhist faith, leading to the preservation of pagodas in Buddhism. The research also discovered that King Ashoka the Great played a crucial role in the preservation, restoration, and construction of pagodas and monasteries during a later period. Architectural additions such as guardian sculptures and giant sculptures surrounding the pagodas were believed to protect them. In terms of conservation, academic principles were employed to prevent deterioration, preserve, strengthen, restore, replicate, reconstruct, and apply appropriate measures. Effective conservation processes began with a comprehensive study, understanding, and evaluation of the significance and impact of pagoda conservation. Guidelines for the preservation of Chedi Sri Trai Phum in the Nikhom Phatthana Sub-district, Mueang District, Lampang Province emphasize the importance of proper knowledge and understanding surrounding the preservation process, which should align academically and with Buddhist principles. Furthermore, efforts should be made to instill Buddhist consciousness and appreciation in the younger generation, fostering a cooperative network among temples, homes, schools, and public and private sectors to ensure the conservation and recognition of the cultural and religious value of pagodas. This approach will ultimately contribute to the sustainability and preservation of pagodas as a significant inheritance of religion and a continuation of unique cultural traditions in the local context.

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How to Cite
Kuppayathipati (Meewai), P. M., Vudฺdhikaro P. S., and S. Mahatthanadull. “Guidelines for Conserving Sri Tri Phum Stupa in Nikhom Phatthana Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lampang Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Dec. 2023, pp. 270-84,
Research Articles


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