Patterns of Meditation Practice and Their Application in Thai Society

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Phramaha Yongyut Dhiradhammo


          The practice of meditation has long been a way of life of Thai people. Throughout the Thai history, in the period of Sukhothai, Ayutthaya, Thonburi and Rattanakosin, which altoghether ranged for 700-800 years, there has been development regarding meditation and its application in the society. This article has been studied from chronicles, stone inscriptions, archives,  Tipitaka, commentary and documents related to Buddhism.

          In this study it was found that during the Sukhothai period, Samatha and Vipassana meditation were practiced by Phra Aranyavasi (forest monk).  They meditated to develop the mind with the goal of becoming a Buddha in the future, and the method influenced by the Lanka school. During the Ayutthaya period, there was the practice of Samatha meditation, such as Kasina, and using beads to aid meditation. The distinctive feature is that it was used to protect oneself from danger and alleviate disasters. In the Thonburi period, Vipassana meditation was practiced as a tool to anchor the mind, meditation was for solving mental problems. In early Rattanakosin period, meditation was used to develop the mind.  In middle Rattanakosin period (King Rama 4 – King Rama 5), meditation was utilised to boost unity among people within the nation and to promote nationalism. The reigns of King Rama 6-8, it was a period of development of the Dhammayut school of Vipassanadhura to develop the mind until it became widespread in the Northeast region of Thailand. In modern days since the reign of King Rama IX to the present, meditation has developed into many forms, of which five forms are the majority, they are namely: Buddho, Sammā-araham, breathing (Anapanasati), rising-falling and Rūpaṇam meditation. Meditation method become widely spreaded with the advancement of technology. It is made more easily accessible, and the Thai society is open and keen to know and learn. Nowadays meditation is applied to many aspects, such as prevention of mental illness, relieving mental stress, developing the mind and at the same time retaining the original goal of reaching Nirvana. In the past and present, although there are different forms of meditation practice, the aim is the same: to follow the principles of mindfulness meditation as illuminated in the Tipitaka, while sharing the same ultimate goal, which is Nirvana.

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How to Cite
Dhiradhammo, P. Y. “Patterns of Meditation Practice and Their Application in Thai Society”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Dec. 2023, pp. 325-4,
Academic Articles


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