The Interaction of Mind and Matter in Theravāda Buddhist Philosophy

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PhraJaturong Ajarasupho


          This research paper aims to provide a thorough examination of the intricate relationship between the mind and matter within the domain of Theravāda Buddhist Philosophy. The study encompasses an extensive analysis of numerous canonical texts such as the Tripitaka, Commentaries, as well as relevant Thai and English sources. The findings of this study reveal that the mind possesses a multitude of distinct characteristics, serving as the fundamental essence from which all matter - be it in the form of objects or non-material entities - derives its existence. In the context of Theravāda Buddhist Philosophy, matter refers to concrete objects and elements, namely the four elements, which represent the origin of identity, vital force, and the world. This research focuses on elucidating the dynamics of the interaction between the abstract nature of the mind and material forms. Mind and matter are identified as two distinct yet interconnected entities that mutually interact and support one another. They jointly contribute to the causal processes underlying human existence. Consequently, a holistic understanding emerges, encompassing both the mind and matter (nāma-rūpa) as components pivotal to the manifestation of life. The mind's perception of external entities occurs through the six internal sense organs (i.e., eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind) in conjunction with the six external senses (i.e., matter, sound, smell, taste, touch, and mind objects). This interplay of perception generates a genuine experience, precipitating the cooperative interdependence of mind and matter as outlined in the Paticcasamuppada (the dependent origination). Moreover, the profound insight derived from this analysis pertains to the emptiness of life or the concept of Anatta. The essence of the mind and matter interaction in Theravāda Buddhist Philosophy underscores the significance of focusing on cultivating and enhancing the state of the mind. Transcending sensory experiences, one can hone the mind's ability to directly perceive the world, thereby delving into a state of emptiness or Anattā that encompasses the comprehensive understanding of multiple constituent substances.

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How to Cite
Ajarasupho, P. “The Interaction of Mind and Matter in Theravāda Buddhist Philosophy”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, Dec. 2023, pp. 420-4,
Academic Articles


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