Influences of Beliefs about the Nāga King to Buddhism in Thailand
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This research project had three objectives; (1) to study the context of beliefs about
the Naga king to Buddhism in Thailand, (2) to study an influence of beliefs about the Naga
king to Thai society, and (3) to analyze an influence of beliefs about the Naga king to
Buddhism in Thailand. The research methodology was qualitative research with the
documentary study and the field study by using observation, in-depth interview, focus
group discussion and public hearing. The fields of the research consist of 10 provinces of
Thailand; Phrae, Nan, Nong Khai, Bueng Kan, Udon Thani, Nakhon Phanom, Mukdahan,
Ubon Ratchathani, Krabi, and Nakhon Si Thammarat.
Result of the research was found that; (1) Beliefs about the Naga king according to
Thai people in Thailand are mixed among beliefs in animal who have supernatural
power, belief in the ghost or gods in the local legends, beliefs in gods of the underworld
based on Hinduism, and gods as protector the sacred things and places based on Bud-
dhism. The beliefs about the Naga king of Thai people have been arisen 2600 years ago
before entering of Buddhism in this legion. (2) The influences of beliefs about the Naga
king to Thai society into the five dimensions consisting of: Economy, social, cultural, fine
arts, and rituals dimension. In the economy dimension, it was found that societies got the
good advantages concretely such as income of people, development of environment
and landscape of temple, construction of infrastructure or buildings, cultural tourism, and
distribution of goods about the Naga king. In the social dimension, people in Thai society
realized the values and importance of the sacred places in community and Buddhism
and also acted like the Naga king’s action. In the cultural dimension, a life pattern of
peoples is off to respond the needs of their daily lives and effected to cultural, natural
and religious tourism. In the fine arts dimension, the Naga king influenced to architecture,
sculpture, painting, and handicraft in Thai society for a long time that came together the
age of building a house and converting city of people since the primitive time until the
present time. In the rituals dimension, they are influenced from the beliefs about the
Naga king consisting of: The ritual of the Naga ordination, the ritual of the water for monks, the ritual of flowing light boat, and the ritual of regatta. (3) The influences of beliefs about
the Naga king to Buddhism in Thailand consist of the four dimensions: Faith, the fine arts,
literature, and ceremony. In the faith dimension, it was found that mixed among the lo-
cal faith of the Naga king as the local god of the land and the rivers and as the protector
of the sacred place and sacred thing in Buddhism. In the fine arts dimension, it was found
in the painting, sculpture, architecture, and handicraft. In the literature dimension, there
were many the legends of the Naga king in each region of Thailand such as the legend
of Urangadhatu, the legend of the Buddha travelled around the World, etc. And in the
ceremony dimension, it was found in the ceremony for chanting parents’ loving kindness,
the Naga ordination, and the worship to the Naga king.
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