An Analytical Study of the Enlightenment of the Foremost Bhikkhunis in Theravãda Buddhism : A Case Study of Kĩsa Gotami, Patฺãcãrã and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ

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sathitaporn kasiphan
Kritsana Raksachom
Orachorn Kraichakr


In this paper, three objectives were purposely made: (1) to study the enlightenment      in the scriptures of Theravada Buddhism; (2) to study the history of Kĩsa Gotamĩ, Patฺãcãrã,  and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ who were given the foremost in Theravada Buddhism; and (3) to analyze the enlightenment of Bhikkhunĩs who were given the foremost in Theravada Buddhism by which a case study of Kĩsa Gotamĩ, Patฺãcãrã, and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ  was purposively chosen. This research employed the documentary research methodology done by studying the exceptional examples of the mentioned three Bhikkhunĩs who were given the foremost out of thirteen ones and then the contents analysis was also done through the descriptive method respectively.

The research findings showed that: 1) the enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism is defined as enlightenment in the level of Lokuttara-dhamma (nine supermundane states), comprising of four kinds of Magga (the four paths), four kinds of Phala (the four fruitions), and Nibbãna accordingly. In these states, through insight and tranquil meditation, the noble ones are able to get rid of tanฺhã (craving), kilesa (defilements), and samฺyojana (fetters), and thereby realizing Ariyasacca (the four noble truths), 2) the history of Therĩs, Kĩsa Gotamĩ,        Patฺãcãrã, and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ who were given the foremost in Theravada Buddhism shows that in the time of the Buddha named ‘Patumitta’ they had the intention to ordain and thereby wishing to be given the foremost and their wish was complete in the time of Gotama Buddha, 3) in analyzing the enlightenment of Bhikkhunĩs who were given the foremost in Theravada Buddhism, it also shows that Kĩsã Gotami became enlightened through contemplation of the flickering lights and received the title Lũkhacĩvaradharãnamฺ (foremost wearers of coarse robes); Patฺãcãrã became enlightened through contemplation of the water that she used to wash her feet three times and received the title Vinayadhãrikã (foremost keeper of the monastic disciplinary rules among the nuns), and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ became enlightened through contemplation of flowing water and received the title Khippãbhiññã (foremost nun in quick deep knowledge). The extraordinary qualities of the three Therĩs were of four kinds of Patฺisambhidã (the four ways of discriminating knowledge), eight kinds of Vimokkha (the eight states of liberation), and six kinds of Abhiññã (the sixfold super knowledge).

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How to Cite
kasiphan, sathitaporn, K. Raksachom, and O. Kraichakr. “An Analytical Study of the Enlightenment of the Foremost Bhikkhunis in Theravãda Buddhism : A Case Study of Kĩsa Gotami, Patฺãcãrã and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 2, Aug. 2024, pp. 263-78,
Research Articles


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