The Study of the Effectiveness of Digital Financial Transactions Affecting the Acceptance of Cashless Society of Tourism Businesses The Study of the Effectiveness of Digital Financial Transactions Affecting the Acceptance of Cashless Society of Tourism Businesses

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Penjan Sangawut


The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of digital financial transactions from perceived benefits from behavioral use and from perceived benefits from intended use that affect acceptance in a cashless society of the tourism business. It is quantitative research. A questionnaire was used as a research tool to collect data from a sample group of 405 people living in Bangkok and Perimeter. A probability sampling method was used, by Simple Random Sampling, Data analysis used multiple regression analysis.

The results showed that effectiveness of digital financial transactions from perceived benefits from behavior based on (1) ordering products through online networks (2) using QR code systems for payments (3) using Credit or debit cards instead of cash (4) Using Electronic Banking (5) Using various applications on mobile phones or electronic media, and the effectiveness of digital financial transactions from the perceived benefits of use as objective, which includes (1) the convenience of using money anywhere, anytime (2) the ease and time saving of (3) Risks arising from currency exchange rates (4) Safety from digital financial transactions (5) The reliability of digital financial transactions processes affects business acceptance in a cashless society. Tourism in Bangkok and Perimeter in terms of technology, social and legal aspects are statistically significant at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Sangawut, P. “The Study of the Effectiveness of Digital Financial Transactions Affecting the Acceptance of Cashless Society of Tourism Businesses: The Study of the Effectiveness of Digital Financial Transactions Affecting the Acceptance of Cashless Society of Tourism Businesses”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, Apr. 2024, pp. 211-22,
Research Articles


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