Guidelines for the Management of Senior Scout Affairs According to the Iddhipàda 4 at Secondary Schools in Saraburi Province

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anond metheevarachatra
Witsanu Prasertdee
Winai Tongmun
Worrakrit Thuenchang



The objectives of this study were: (1) to study the state and problem of the management of Senior Scout Affairs according to the Iddhipàda at Secondary Schools in Saraburi Province, and (2) to present the guidelines for the management of Senior Scout Affairs according to the Iddhipàda at Secondary Schools in Saraburi Province. This research applied the Mixed Methods Research consisting of Quantitative Research by collecting data from ๓๐๒ people and the data analysis with frequency, mean and standard deviation, and Qualitative Research by the Semi-structured Interviews from ๙ key informants and the content analysis for the data analysis.

The research results were as follows: (1)The school administrators at Secondary Schools in Saraburi Province had the opinion to the state and problem of the management of Senior Scout Affairs according to the Iddhipàda at Secondary Schools in Saraburi Province at high level. (2) The guidelines for the management of Senior Scout Affairs according to the Iddhipàda at Secondary Schools in Saraburi Province consisted of ๔ aspects: ๑) the general management should use the  work satisfaction of the personnel, and have  work collaboration and teamwork, ๒) the personal management should provide the work and activity suitable to the capability of the personnel, ๓) providing the scout activities should make the plan, and have the meeting  frequently to review the activities according to the scout process, and ๔) the monitoring should provide the supervision for the scout activities, and provide the personnel and equipment for collecting data.

Keywords: Guidelines for the Management of Senior Scout Affairs; the Iddhipàda 4; Secondary Schools.

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How to Cite
metheevarachatra, anond, W. Prasertdee, W. Tongmun, and W. Thuenchang. “Guidelines for the Management of Senior Scout Affairs According to the Iddhipàda 4 at Secondary Schools in Saraburi Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 285-99,
Research Articles



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