Right Livelihood with Folk Wisdom in the Style of Woven Cloth as Phan Maha Pattern
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This article aims to bring the knowledge that has been passed on folk wisdom generation to the new generation. By bringing traditions, culture or even combining
Buddhist principles. which has been applied to suit people in accordance with the times in the form of occupations that occur in daily life such as the Phan Maha pattern that
were made to be made into products and used to wear. This Pan Maha pattern cloth is considered a basic art that reflects the image, pattern, and culture of the local area that has existed since ancient times. It has also been given as the official cloth of Chaiwan District Which is a pattern that was created from Reverend Father Phrakru Mahawapi
Khanarak Invented. He also inserted the principles of Buddhism into it. It can be considered that this folk fabric has roots that come from religious principles, culture,
and has a unique local identity and in the daily life of people in the audience
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