Literature-Based Learning Experience Provision on Problem-Solving Abilities of Young Children

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Porntip Wongsudjai
Chalatip Samahito


The purpose of this study was to study the effects of literature-based learning experiences on problem-solving of young children.  The target subjects were 20 male and female young children aged between 4 – 5 years old who were in kindergarten level 2, semester 2, the academic year 2023, La-orutis Demonstration School, Suan Dusit University. The instruments used in this research were 24 literature-based approach lesson plans and evaluation forms of problem-solving skills of early childhood children and evaluation record. Data was analyzed by Mean, Standard Deviation (SD), and content analysis.

        The results of the study showed that young children who received the literature-based learning experiences had higher problem-solving abilities.  They could solve problems eagerly, and they were able link their problem-solving abilities from stories to solve problems in their daily lives correctly, appropriately, and causally. This increased linkage showed that the children who had learning experiences based on literature have improved problem-solving abilities.

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How to Cite
Wongsudjai, P., and C. Samahito. “Literature-Based Learning Experience Provision on Problem-Solving Abilities of Young Children”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 534-4,
Research Articles


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