The Development of Analytical Reading Ability and Reading Habit of Prathomsuksa 4 Students Using KWL Plus Technique and Coaching -
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The purposes of this research are (1) to compare the analytical reading ability of Grade 4 students before and after learning with the KWL Plus technique combined with coaching; (2) to study the development of reading habits. of 4th grade students who organized learning using the KWL Plus technique combined with coaching. (3) To study the opinions of 4th grade primary school students towards learning management using the KWL Plus technique combined with coaching. Sample groups include: Grade 4 students at Wat Bang Luang School, Bang Len District, Nakhon Pathom Province, Grade 4/3, totaling 25 people. The tools used in the research consisted of (1) a learning plan for analytical reading by organizing learning techniques. KWL Plus together with coaching (2) analytical reading ability test (3) reading habit observation form (4) opinion questionnaire Data analysis used percentage, mean, and standard deviation values. and dependent t-test.
The research results found that (1) Results of analytical reading ability of Grade 4 students after learning using the KWL Plus technique combined with coaching. Higher than before the learning management program was statistically significant at the .05 level. (2) Development of reading habits of 4th grade students who organized learning using the KWL Plus technique together with coaching. It was found that 4th grade students developed an increased reading habit. (3)Opinions of Grade 4 students regarding learning management using the KWL Plus technique combined with coaching were found to be at the highest level of agreement overall.
Keywords : Analytical Reading;Reading Habits; KWL Plus Techniques; Coaching
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