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anond metheevarachatra
Suputtana Techanubal
Sowimon Saphuksri



The objectives of this research were: (1) to compare the Fundamental Thinking Skills in learning before and after of Kindergarten 3 students by arranging learning experiences based on Montessori approach, (2) to study the development of Fundamental Thinking Skills in learning of Kindergarten 3 students arranging learning experiences based on Montessori approach, and (3) to study the satisfaction of Kindergarten 3 students in receiving arranged learning experiences based on Montessori approach. This study was experimental research. The sample group used in the research was 29 Kindergarten 3/2 students from Wat Bangluang School, Bang Len District, Nakhon Pathom Province, in the first semester of the 2023 academic year obtained through cluster random sampling using classrooms as sampling units. The research instruments included lesson plans of arranging learning experiences based on the Montessori approach for Kindergarten 3 students, a test of basic thinking skill in learning of Kindergarten 3 students, an assessment of basic thinking skill in learning, and a questionnaire on satisfaction with arranged learning experiences based on the Montessori approach. The data analysis used percentage (%), mean (X), standard deviation (S.D.), and t – test dependent.

The research results found that: (1) Kindergarten 3 students who received learning experience arrangement based on the Montessori approach had significantly higher Fundamental Thinking Skills in learning at the .05 level after receiving the learning experience arrangement compared to before. (2) Kindergarten 3 students who received learning experience arrangement based on the Montessori approach had developed basic thinking skill in learning after receiving the learning experience arrangement based on the Montessori approach. (3) Kindergarten 3 students who received learning experience arrangement based on the Montessori approach had a high level of average satisfaction with the learning experience arrangement based on the Montessori approach


Keywords: Montessori Approach; Fundamental Thinking Skills in learning

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How to Cite
metheevarachatra, anond, S. Techanubal, and S. Saphuksri. “THE DEVELOPMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL THINKING SKILLS FOR 3 Nd GRADE - PRESCHOOL LEARNING THROUGH MONTESSORI CONCEPT: -”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 180-94,
Research Articles



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