Development of Learning Activity Sets Art (Music) Learning Group Using the Collaborative Learning Method Using the STAD Technique Along with the Theory of Carl Orff (Carl Orff) to Develop the Practice Skills of Thai Music “Angklung” of Primary School Stud

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Kanok Sawasdee



This study have a purpose 1).To create and find efficiency in learning activity sets. Art (Music) learning group using the collaborative learning method using the STAD technique along with the theory of Carl Orff (Carl Orff) to develop the practice skills of Thai music “Angklung” of primary school students. 3rd place: Senabodee School By finding efficiency

according to the criterion 80/80  2).To compare the academic achievement of students before and after learning with the learning activity set. Art (Music) learning group using the collaborative learning method using the STAD technique along with the theory of Carl Orff (Carl Orff) to develop the practice skills of Thai music “Angklung” of primary school students. 3rd place: Senabodee School From the student's academic performance Before and after learning with learning activity sets and  3).To find the index of effectiveness of learning management using Study the development of learning activity sets Art (Music) learning group using the collaborative learning method using the STAD technique along with the theory of Carl Orff (Carl Orff) to develop skills in practicing the Thai music “Angklung” of primary school students. 3rd place: Senabodee School The sample group used in the study was Grade 3 students at Senabodee School, Sena District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. Under Mueang Sena Municipality, semester 1, academic year 2023, which was obtained by using the method of selecting a specific sample (Purposive Sampling) from 3 classrooms, selecting only 1 classroom, which is Classroom 3/1, with 28 students. The tools used Data collection consisted of 5 learning activity sets, 5 learning management plans, and 30 question academic achievement tests. Statistics used in data analysis included percentage, mean (), standard deviation ( S.D.) efficiency value Differences were analyzed using t-test (Dependent Samples) and effectiveness index values. Collect data, process and summarize results, discuss using tables and descriptions.

The results of the study found that (1). Results of the development of learning activity sets Art (Music) learning group using the collaborative learning method using the STAD technique along with the theory of Carl Orff (Carl Orff) to develop the practice skills of Thai music “Angklung” of primary school students. 3rd place: Senabodee School It has an efficiency value of E1/E2 equal to 90.41 / 93.00, which is higher than the specified criteria. (2). Comparative results of learning achievement Before and after learning With a set of learning activities Art (Music) learning group using the collaborative learning method using the STAD technique along with the theory of Carl Orff (Carl Orff) to develop the practice skills of Thai music “Angklung” of primary school students. 3, Senabodee School, found that after using the learning activity set The average score was 57.74 percent higher than before using the learning activity set, with statistical significance at the .01 level. (3). Effectiveness index value of the learning activity set Art (Music) learning group using the collaborative 

learning method using the STAD technique combined with Carl Orff's theory to develop skills in practicing Thai music "Angklung" of primary school students. 3rd place: Senabodee School There is an index value for the effectiveness of the learning activity set. The art (music) learning subject group has a value of 0.81, accounting for 81.00 percent.

Keywords: Activity Package Development; Thai Music Skills; Angklung

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How to Cite
Sawasdee, K. “Development of Learning Activity Sets Art (Music) Learning Group Using the Collaborative Learning Method Using the STAD Technique Along With the Theory of Carl Orff (Carl Orff) to Develop the Practice Skills of Thai Music ‘Angklung’ of Primary School Stud”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 195-11,
Research Articles



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