The creative art activities by using natural materials with cooperative learning to improve self - confidence of early childhood children

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Rujira Pim-in
Pattamavadi Lehmongkol



          The purpose of this study was to study the self-confidence development of young children while attending the creative art activities by using natural materials with cooperative learning. The participants in this study were a total of 18 male and female young children age between 5 - 6 years old studying at the Kindergarten 3-level, La-orutis Demonstration School, Bangkok. The research instruments were 24 lesson plans of the creative art activities by using natural materials with cooperative learning, the evaluation form of the creative art activities by using natural materials with cooperative learning, and the self-confidence observation form of young children. The Data was analyzed by using mean and standard deviation, and quality data by content analysis.

The results of the research showed that young children who attended the creative art activities by using natural materials with cooperative learning. Early childhood children have developed self-confidence better. Young children showed the behavior of self-confidence better in overall and in each aspect. The ability that had the most change was the ability of self-esteem and self-confidence respectively and the ability that has the least change was the ability of cooperation. This showed that the creative art activities by using natural materials with cooperative learning were able to improve young children's self-confidence.

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How to Cite
Pim-in, R., and P. Lehmongkol. “The Creative Art Activities by Using Natural Materials With Cooperative Learning to Improve Self - Confidence of Early Childhood Children”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 522-33,
Research Articles



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