The Development of Collaborative Problem Solving and Decision Making Skill by Using Problem Based Learning in the Topic of Physical Properties of Materials for Grade 4 Students at Anubanwatutapao School, Chonburi Province

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๋Jirayu Seelatee
Jurarat Thammaprateep
Songpon Phadungphatthanakoon


The objectives of this action research were: (1) to development of collaborative problem solving and decision making skill of Fourth Grade Students through Problem-Based Learning on the Topic of Physical Properties of Materials of grade 4 students at Anubanwatutapao school, by using problem based learning in the topic of Physical Properties of Materials, (2) to study the best practices in implementing problem based learning in the topic of physical properties of materials for develops collaborative problem solving and decision making skill. The participants were 24 of grade 4 students from Anubanwatutapao school Chonburi province, selected using purposive sampling. The research instruments used were: problem based learning plan, collaborative problem solving assessment, decision making skill assessment, student worksheet, and teacher's reflective journals. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and content analysis.

          The research finding showed that after used implementing problem based learning: (1) students showed improvement in collaborative problem solving, with 21 students, or 87.50% at a high level, students showed improvement in decision making skill, with 20 students, or 83.33% at a high level, (2) the best practices of problem based learning from this research were the following: 2.1) building relationships among group members and assigning roles that align with their abilities in performing activities, which enable students to carry out their responsibilities effectively, engage in discussions, brainstorm, collaborate on problem solving, and make decisions more efficiently. 2.2) strengthening the basics of problem identification, hypothesis formulation, and variable determination through skill exercises, combined with reflective feedback from the teacher before the problem definition and research phases, better prepare students for collaborative problem solving and improve their decision making skill. 2.3) observing, monitoring, providing assistance, and using questions during group activities foster trust among students, encouraging them to ask questions, share opinions, brainstorm, and collaborate in decision making and problem solving within the group.

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How to Cite
Seelatee ๋., J. . Thammaprateep, and S. Phadungphatthanakoon. “The Development of Collaborative Problem Solving and Decision Making Skill by Using Problem Based Learning in the Topic of Physical Properties of Materials for Grade 4 Students at Anubanwatutapao School, Chonburi Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 84-102,
Research Articles


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