Needs and Expectations for an ELT Master’s Program in Thailand: Voices from Pre- and In-Service Teachers


  • Surattana Adipat Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Athip Thumvichit Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Anongnad Petchprasert Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Ekamorn Iamsirirak Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University


Needs Analysis, ELT, English Teaching and Learning, Master’s Program, Curriculum Development, Medium of Instruction, Pre-and In-service Teachers


With the national and international policies on the qualifications required for Thai teachers of English to possess, a graduate degree program in English Language Teaching (ELT) could foster the mission and vision to develop the teaching and learning English at a school setting and the nation at large. Consequently, understanding the current trends and the factors that influence prospective students’ decision in choosing a program of study is an important aspect in the curriculum development of a graduate degree program in ELT. This study examined the key elements influencing the decision of students to study in the ELT master’s program at Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand so that the university and the program committee would be able to use them in planning and developing the curriculum. Nine participants of this study were education administrators, experienced teachers, RU pre-service English teachers, and RU master graduates. An online questionnaire and interviews were used and implemented in the study. The results of the study show that the lecturers’ qualifications, tuition and fees, and weekend class schedules were the key factors for the prospective students to make a decision on the selection of a master’s degree program. In addition, the results show the needs and aspects that the participants have on the program as well as the ELT and other courses related to English language teaching that are in high demand. Some suggestions and implications for future research were also addressed.


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